Adrian Lawrence
4 min readJun 8, 2020


The new Google Search Console Performance Report comes with a bunch of new qualities. In fact, a number of users have praised the ingenuity of the Google team in creating it, due to features such as the easy data range filter. It is also known for making it easier to check data as it relates to clicks, position, impressions and CTR. Furthermore, the Google Search Console Performance Report can be used to see all the keywords in a page through filtering.

However, there is a downside to the use of this tool; and it is finding keywords, high-volume keywords through their rank positions. What does this mean? This suggests that if you are looking to find and isolate constantly searched keywords that your site or page is already ranking for, there will be a bit of an issue. Naturally, it should be easy to solve this with a simple trick. But Google analytics isn’t sometimes that easy.

What is the solution to this problem? To solve this, it is important to utilize the Keywords Everywhere Browser plugin. The main function of the plugin is to come up with three new columns, and add them to the performance report by analysing data from the Google Keyword planner. These three new columns are Cost Per Click (CPC), Competition and Volume.

Typically, what the Keywords Everywhere plugin does is identify keywords with an estimated monthly search of at least 50 on a webpage. With this, you can see which keywords are ranking well, and which has the potential to bring in more traffic. When you identify these keywords, you can then work on them into becoming priority keywords.

Also, when you layer the volume data of Keywords Everywhere over the Google Search Console’s data, you will be able to see information on query, position, and search volume in one frame.

It even gets better; there are a number of us who wish we could have some power over this tool, such as filtering and so on. The good news is yes, you can do that! All you have to do is export the data into Google Sheets or Excel, and you’d be able to sort and filter your data whichever way you like. Also, the Keywords Everywhere usually works in your browser, and using it has no effect on the data of the Google Search Console. When you export, the only data affected is the GSC data.

It is possible to also get the volume data for the Keywords Everywhere, and this can be done by manually pasting the data into Excel. To be on the right page, set your max to “500 rows per page”, and “select” all of the data by running your cursor over it.

If all you care about is the status of the query, position and volume column, you are in luck, as this will serve you without hitches. All you have to do is select the columns you need and delete the rest of them. When you have deleted the others, you can use Excel to format the data and turn it into a table.

Now that it is a table, you can easily sort and filter your data. You can sort them by position, grouping them from the smallest to the largest of the other way round. After this, you can apply a filter to the volume column. This makes it possible to group keywords into the number of times they have appeared in a simple Googe search and so on.

After you have done this, your sheet will display a list of queries which contains search volume which your website currently ranks for. On this table, which depends largely on the number applied with your filter option, you can find the section of keywords that are doing very well. These are the keywords that are appearing on the first or second page of Google, and which one has the potential to bring in a lot of traffic.

If you are very familiar with this process, and would like to run it over and over again for different pages of your website, there are a few things you should always remember:

- The position data of the Google Search Console is usually averaged. For example, a data of 11.5 shows that your rank sits between Position 3 and 20, and is spread across the data range you chose.

- Also, avoid the need to optimize blindly for high-ranking keywords simply because you want to appear on Google’s first page. Always check the SERP for a particular query before you make the decision to modify your page. To be sure you are doing the right thing, here is a secret on how to check.

Search the phrase on Google, if it brings out any of the following, it might be time to “retreat”:

- Results that have a different intent or subject from your page.

- Results from Wikipedia or other “Behemoth” sites.

- Results from Google Knowledge Graph. An example is when you ask a question and one of the top answers is a reply from Google.

When your search results are filled with these mentioned features, that is a cue to abort your operation and do something else as regarding your site’s SEO, and keywords ranking. However, if the search results you get are filled with the People Also Ask boxes, you might consider working still on that keyword, as it can rank you one of the features. But this might come with a lower CTR. This is because the basic features of SERP is not known to direct people to other sites, but rather to keep them on Google.

